Year 1 – Home Learning

Home Learning

Thank you all for your support with home learning in this strange and difficult times. All of the staff at Bellfield Primary School deeply miss the children and we hope that you are all coping well with being at home.

Each day, your child’s class teacher will assign work on SeeSaw for them to complete. There will be a range of work including Maths, Reading, Writing, Phonics/spelling and Foundation subjects. Once your child has completed their work, submit it via SeeSaw, for it to be checked and marked by the teacher. Where necessary, the teacher will provide feedback and ways forward.

Remember, as much as it is important to make sure your child is learning at home, it is also important to look after their mental well-being and ensure that they are feeling happy and safe in these strange and confusing times.

Dedicate some time each day to exercise and mindfulness to ensure that everyone in the household is feeling positive!

For pupils working from home, there will be weekly check in sessions with the class teacher. If you need any additional support or an individual call from the teacher, please message them via SeeSaw to request one.

Keep up the hard work. You’re all amazing. We are all in this together!

Downloads available below:

Remote Learning at Bellfield:

‘My child is very happy at Bellfield and she has been taught well.’

Parent testimonials

‘I’ve always found Bellfield lives up to all of our expectations.’

Parent testimonials

‘I am delighted with the progress my child is making.’

Parent testimonials

‘My child loves all of his teachers and always has exciting things to tell me about his day.’

Parent testimonials

‘My child loves coming to school and it’s because of the teachers.’

Parent testimonials

‘Excellent job done by all!’

Parent testimonials

‘My child really enjoys coming to school and hates it when it’s weekends. She is coming on lots with her speech, reading and writing.’

Parent testimonials

‘The environment looks great!.’

Parent testimonials

‘I am very happy with my daughter’s progress and feel strongly that this is down to her teacher.’

Parent testimonials

‘Bellfield provides many opportunities for my child to get involved in sporting activities.’

Parent testimonials