Early Years Foundation Stage


At Bellfield Primary School we endeavour to provide a bespoke curriculum which builds on children’s prior learning and starting points to prepare them for a smooth transition into Key Stage one, where pupils will continue to develop substantive and disciplinary knowledge. The curriculum is designed to provide a secure foundation for life-long learning where pupils are given many opportunities to enhance and embed their learning.


Our immersive learning environment aims to widen children’s experiences through independent and inquisitive learning. Through well planned and resourced spaces our children are given the freedom and opportunities to develop high quality communication and language skills by incorporating children’s interests. Children are championed to become independent thinkers, expressive learners and have a sense of belonging as part of our wider school community.

Each term, our new topic is launched through a series of immersive ‘hooks’ which aim to engage and excite the children, sparking their curiosity for what is to come.

Highly skilled practitioner’s regularly review and refine learning experiences in order to build on pupil’s interests to ensure a smooth and continuous learning journey. Observations are used to inform future planning and resources of the learning environment.


Children leave our EYFS setting happy, confident and ready for the challenges of the Key Stage One curriculum. They have acquired the necessary expertise in order to start the next stage of their learning journey with enthusiasm and resilience.  At all times children are encouraged to believe, persevere and succeed.

We follow the Statutory Framework from the Department for Education with the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.

This has four principles that we follow:
  • A Unique Child
  • Positive Relationships
  • Enabling Environments
  • Learning and Development

To enable children to develop:
  • Communication and Language, (Listening, attention and speaking)
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development, (Self regulation, managing self and building relationships)
  • Physical Development, (Gross motor skills, fine motor skills)
  • Literacy, (Comprehensive word reading, writing)
  • Maths, (Number, numerical patterns)
  • Understanding of the World, (Past and present, people, culture & community, the natural world)
  • Expressive Arts and Design, (Creating with materials, being imaginative and expressive)

Development & Assessment

The outside area is seen as an extension of the classroom and the above opportunities will be available outside as well as inside.
Through all of our strands we aim to develop the children as they Play and Explore, be an Active Learner and to have Creative and Critical Thinking.

The staff are constantly assessing the children in their everyday activities, play and through more focussed work. We use observations of the children, photos, the work that they do, feedback from parents and comments made by the children.

EYFS Curriculum:

“I am very happy that my child is a pupil at Bellfield. Bellfield has a really good reputation and it is well-earned and well-deserved.”

Parent testimonials

“The best decision we made was to send our children to Bellfield.”

Parent testimonials

“As a parent, I think this is an excellent school.”

Parent testimonials

“I think Bellfield gets it ‘just right’! The staff go above and beyond.”

Parent testimonials

“Bellfield is an outstanding school with staff that always go above and beyond for all their students. I am very proud to say my children attend and also to be part of the same academy.”

Parent testimonials

“We are very pleased with the school and the achievements that our children are making.”

Parent testimonials

“The school productions are the best I have ever seen in any school: humour, sadness and talent are all on show – so entertaining!”

Parent testimonials

“The learning that my child receives is excellent. I cannot fault the teachers and staff.”

Parent testimonials

“Both of my children have exceeded my expectations and more! The learning and respect at this school is outstanding.”

Parent testimonials

“The school have been fantastic at supporting my child.”

Parent testimonials