Free School Meals

At Bellfield Primary School children in our reception class, year one and year two receive a free school lunch if they wish, and it has not been necessary for any parents to fill in a Free School Meals application form.

We are able to claim extra money from the government which we use to help us provide a range of extra trips for children, and this money is linked to parents applying for Free School Meals in the past. In order to continue claiming this money from the government, we need parents to re-register for Free School Meals.

So, if you receive a benefit that gives entitlement to Free School meals (as detailed below) please pop in to school reception where they can provide a form and help you fill it out.

Children of families receiving Income Support, Employment Support Allowance (income related), Income-based Job Seekers allowance or Universal Credit are entitled to receive free school meals. Families receiving support under Part Vi of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 are also entitled.

If your child has been in receipt of a Free School Meal at any point in their school life due to a qualifying benefit, then they will not be charged to attend our Breakfast Club.

If you apply for FSM and are eligible, the school receives £1400 for each child.  This funding enables the school to offer a wider range of activities and partly fund some of the enrichment activities that we offer.

Download the application form for free school meals

“Both of my children have exceeded my expectations and more! The learning and respect at this school is outstanding.”

Parent testimonials

“As a parent, I think this is an excellent school.”

Parent testimonials

“Bellfield is an outstanding school with staff that always go above and beyond for all their students. I am very proud to say my children attend and also to be part of the same academy.”

Parent testimonials

“The best decision we made was to send our children to Bellfield.”

Parent testimonials

“I think Bellfield gets it ‘just right’! The staff go above and beyond.”

Parent testimonials

“I am very happy that my child is a pupil at Bellfield. Bellfield has a really good reputation and it is well-earned and well-deserved.”

Parent testimonials

“The school have been fantastic at supporting my child.”

Parent testimonials

“The school productions are the best I have ever seen in any school: humour, sadness and talent are all on show – so entertaining!”

Parent testimonials

“We are very pleased with the school and the achievements that our children are making.”

Parent testimonials

“The learning that my child receives is excellent. I cannot fault the teachers and staff.”

Parent testimonials